No matter which you choose, you can feel good about choosing a Local Roots lettuce! Lettuce is high in the nutrients you need to stay healthy, including vitamins A, C and K, potassium, and even iron. Naturally low in calories, fat-free, and fiber-rich, lettuces are an important part of a healthy diet.
Hydroponically grown, all Local Roots lettuces are sustainably raised and simply a delicious choice for your table.
Aurora’s beautiful colors are its signature detail: crisp, fresh red and green leaf lettuces look perfect on any plate. Aurora is a great compliment to a tangy vinaigrette or even a rich ranch.
- Green and Red Leaf Lettuce

Baby Arugula Blend
A colorful blend of baby arugula, green oak and red oak lettuce, baby arugula blend is terrific with lots of dressing choices. The oak lettuces soften the peppery bite of the arugula, making this blend a popular favorite.
- Green and Red Oakleaf Lettuce, Arugula

Baby Butter
Delicate, sweet Baby Butter adds a subtle flavor to your favorite salad, sandwich, or wrap. Paired with a light, creamy dressing, Baby Butter just might become your new favorite!
- Baby Butter Lettuce

Baby Green Leaf
Light and crisp with a fresh flavor, Baby Green Leaf is mild and pairs well with many dressings. It’s also a great choice for sandwiches and wraps.
- Green Leaf Lettuce

Baby Romaine
Everything you love about classic Romaine, just smaller! Local Roots’ Baby Romaine is versatile, crisp, and delicious.
- Green and Red Baby Romaine Leaf Lettuce

Romaine delivers the best balance between crisp and sweet. Think past the Caesar: this traditional favorite is versatile and pairs well with almost any meal.
- Romaine Leaf Lettuce

Spring Mix
All the fresh flavors of spring in one delicious mix! A blend of red leaf, green leaf, green oak, red romaine and green romaine lettuce, spring mix is a favorite year-round.
- Green and Red Oakleaf Lettuce, Green and Red Leaf Lettuce, Green and Red Romaine